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Greenhouse Multicapilla Fotovoltaic P-9 y P-9’60

The Photovoltaic multicapilla 9FV P- and P- ceiling 9'60FV mixed model is specially designed to support photovoltaic panels in the straight part of the cover , with the possibility of receiving both flexible covers (plastic film, mesh) and rigid (PVC , Polycarbonate , sheet metal , etc. . ) in the remaining portion of the roof not occupied by the photovoltaic panels . The greenhouse has been developed taking into account agronomic use it, can install both on the same side vents and any supplement to crop development .

The main advantage of this model is agricultural crop production simultaneously with the production of electrical energy generated by the photovoltaic panels located on the roof of the structure. The energy generated can be used to drive the automatic greenhouse itself, besides being able to sell excess energy.

ININSA gives each project a completely personalized treatment , depending on the specific parameters of each work ( chosen crop requirements , desired power installation, dimensions of the photovoltaic panels to use, situation of the property, etc. . ) . We can tailor the structure of standard gases in function of the dimensions of the photovoltaic panels which are to be used , being able to adjust the ratio of MW / m² to customer needs TYPEKEYWORDS

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Greenhouse Multicapilla Fotovoltaic P-9 y P-9’60

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Greenhouse Multicapilla Fotovoltaic P-9 y P-9’60

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