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Bling Bling for your plants!

Bloombastic all-in-one flowering additive acts as a stimulant, hardener, flavor enhancer and as an activator of various enzymatic processes. A high-quality, internationally awarded cocktail that combines various minerals and organic compounds.

Compared to other liquid flowering products, Bloombastic contains more than 50% extra biominerals (phosphorus and potassium) for which no fillers (sodium and chlorine) have been used at all. Bloombastic also acts at an enzymatic level in several areas, thus having an impact on the prevention and recovery of stress in the plant.

Bloombastic increases the sugar content of your crop and, consequently, the weight and aroma. Through an explosion of sugar and flower production, Bloombastic provides robust, compact and aromatic flowers. The combination of these features allows Bloombastic to replace several products.

Bloombastic is a universal nutrient suitable for different types of vegetables, fruits and herbs such as chillies, strawberries, blueberries. It can also be used for flowering ornamental plants (e.g. orchids, violets). Experienced growers can measure the required dosage per plant, based on NPK values. Suitable for hydro, coconut and soil crops.


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