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Mandevilla sanderi

Common name: Jazmín brasileño

Synonyms:Dipladenia sanderi


Nurseries and wholsalers Mandevilla sanderi:Viveros Bermejo


Brazilian Jasmine ( Mandevilla sanderi = Dipladenia sanderi ) is a climbing shrub that belongs to the Apocynaceae Family.

It forms a very thick foliage and can reach 3 or 4 meters in height. Its ramifications can be lignified although they require sustenance to be able to develop.

The stems form long intermute, with small leaves. The stems have a very characteristic milky latex.

The leaves are petiolate, arranged opposite, dark green and leathery.

The flowers are arranged in simple terminal clusters, They have a large pink corolla. Flowering is characterized by being very long, from spring to autumn. The fruit is a dry capsule.

Its roots are tuberous and have the ability to accumulate water, which allows it to withstand droughts.


Originally from South America, in Europe it is usually grown in a pot since it does not withstand much frost and must be kept indoors during the winter.

They require bright areas, where they are not affected by drafts or heat sources. Direct sunlight can affect it, as long as it is not at midday, so a good option is to place it in an east-facing window to receive the morning sun's rays.

They require regular watering but avoid waterlogging. Watering must be done, allowing it to dry out each time. They are usually 1-2 waterings a week during the summer. In winter these can decrease.

It is recommended to make contributions of balanced mineral fertilizers every 3 weeks during spring and summer, until the end of flowering.


Generally by cutting, but also by germination of seeds collected at the end of flowering:


Ornamental use, in temperate latitudes as a potted houseplant. And outdoors in the warmest areas.


Evergreen leafRequires moderate wateringModerate sun exposureMaximum tolerance to cold: + 5°CFlowering month: VI-IX