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How to make your garden more sustainable

Did you know that your garden can be a sustainable and respectful place with the environment? With a few simple changes, you can create a space that is beautiful, healthy, and good for the planet, too.

04/04/2023 Author: Sol i Vent Paisajes

At Sol i Vent Paisajes, we believe in the importance of sustainability and environmental conservation. Therefore, we want to share with you some tips to make your garden more sustainable:

  1. Choose autochthonous or adapted plants : Autochthonous plants are those that have developed naturally in your region and adapted ones are those that have shown adaptation efficiency without generating problems in the environment. These plants are important because they are adapted to local soil and climate conditions, which means they require less water and fertilizer to thrive.
  2. Use compost : Instead of buying chemical fertilizers, you can use compost to enrich the soil in your garden. Compost is a natural fertilizer that is produced from organic waste, such as food scraps and leaves. You can also make your own compost at home.
  3. Create a Rain Garden : A rain garden is a way to collect rainwater and use it to water your garden. To create one, simply dig a shallow area into the ground and fill the bottom with gravel. Then plant native plants on the surface and wait for rain.
  4. Use sustainable materials : When you build paths, terraces or other elements in your garden, choose sustainable materials such as certified wood or recycled materials.
  5. Use Power Tools Efficiently : Instead of using gasoline-powered garden tools, use power tools. You can also take advantage of the hours of less electricity demand to charge your power tools.

By following these tips, you can make your garden more sustainable and help protect the environment. Also, your garden will be more beautiful and healthy than ever!