Professional Web Portal and Printed Directory about Companies, Products and Services from the Horticulture, Gardening and Associated Markets.

Search by Pots for production (84)

AcudamAuxiliary products, technology, gardening and other ||Lleida - España

Planta forestal. Olivos arbequinos nebulizados. Contenedores para planta forestal. Bandejas para plantas y semilleros. Protectores forestales y para olivos/frutales/viña. Sus principales actividades son: Fabricación de bandejas forestales y...

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ProptekAuxiliary products, technology, gardening and other ||- United Kingdom

Proptek se especializa en la tecnología de propagación de plantas con un enfoque principal en bandejas moldeadas por inyección para las verduras, plantas ornamentales, producción arbusto leñoso, la silvicultura y los árboles frutales y de nueces. ...

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La Mano VerdePropagators ||Huelva - España

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El Molino Marmoles TrituradosAuxiliary products, technology, gardening and other ||Madrid - España

El Molino Mármoles Triturados is located in Madrid, and is a company that stand...

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MeliflorMarketers & Distributors ||Córdoba - España

Meliflor is a premium brand of cultivation products designed to enhance the development and health of plants at home, in the orchard, in the garden and in bonsai.

From its headquarters in Córdoba and Barcelona, it supplies the ...

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