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Exhibitline SC®

The biological control agent Exhibitline Sf contains the pathogenic nematode of the Steinernema insect, in the form of infective fingerlings. It is used for the control of larvae of common earworms and cutworms in lawns.

main features

  • Steinernema carpocapsae will actively forage for caterpillar larvae and cutworms in the soil.
  • Simple and safe to use, carpocapsae occurs naturally in soils.
  • Apply by soil sprayers or irrigation.
  • Apply any time soil temperatures are above 12ºC

Harmless to ornamental crops, humans, the environment, and other beneficial insects, these nematodes actively seek out cutworm larvae and cutworms by swimming in the thin film of water on soil particles. They locate hosts by detecting carbon dioxide and other waste products. Once they have located the pest larvae, the nematodes penetrate through the natural body openings and inject bacteria into the insect. The bacterium develops inside the insect and dies of septicemia.


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Exhibitline SC®