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Orihuela will have a pavilion at the Shanghai International Flower Show

The city of Alicante will represent Spain in this Chinese contest

10/02/2021 Author: GuíaVerde
Representation of the Orihuela flag. Photo: Orihuela City Council.

Orihuela will be present at the tenth Shanghai International Flower Show , the most important event of its kind in the Asian country, with an outdoor exhibition area of 500 square meters. The organization expects to receive three million visitors at this event, which is held from May 21 to July 2.
The mayor of the Alicante municipality, Emilio Bascuñana , announced this participation in a ceremony, and stressed that Orihuela will be "the only representation that Spain will have." Bascuñana highlighted the importance of "having a pavilion at this fair, being able to talk about the Orihuela orchard and present all the wealth that our municipality and the region have, giving the agri-food sector the opportunity to open markets."

From the city council they explain that the city was chosen after competing with other cities in Spain and that this participation will have no cost for the public coffers since the construction of the pavilion will be borne by the organization. The design of the presented pavilion fell on Disena Studio, and aims to "bring the garden of Europe, that garden that is Orihuela, not only visually but also with touch and smell".