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The European Commission extended until June 15, the deadline for submission of the CAP

Spain requested the European Commission to extend the deadline

18/03/2020 Author: Ministerio de Agricultura

The minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has celebrated the decision, reported yesterday by the European Commission (EC), to extend until June 15 the deadline for the submission of requests to the help of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and that it will provide farmers and ranchers the realization of this process.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food asked the EC, like Italy, to extend the period of application of the aid of the CAP, whose completion was planned for 30 April, and that Spain was able to extend until may 15, so that any farmer and rancher have difficulty to submit their single application of the CAP to the year 2020, as a result of the restriction on the movement of people to the recent declaration of a state of alarm for the management of the situation of health crisis caused by the COVID-19.

The minister Flat has reiterated that the Spanish Government will put in place all the mechanisms and tools as possible for the beneficiaries of the CAP, the face of the current exceptional circumstances, can present with a normal and your application of the CAP to the year 2020, in this case over a period of more extensive.