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The Municipality of Calpe makes the builders in “patron green”

The city council has put in place a new ordinance compelling the provision of 5 trees to build a house, 2 per floor and 1 for each hotel room

17/04/2019 Author: GuíaVerde

The full Council of the town of Calpe, in the province of Alicante, approved last week, on a provisional basis, a new ordinance that promotes the green in your municipality.


With this ordinance, it is stated that the promoters of the private works will be obliged to cede a certain amount of trees in the city Hall of this population. In this way, for example, the promoter of an estate, you will have to give two trees for every floor constructed, the of a chalet, shall yield five and in regard to hotels, an establishment of the most common in this coastal town, its promoters will yield a tree for each one of the rooms.


It is a measure more within the plans of the consistory to ensure that Calpe is a town green, and however, it is not the only one that has been put in place.


From 2014 in the municipality apply the formula known as patronage green: this is a procedure that allows residents to donate trees, at the same time to suggest the place in which they believe should be planting the consistory.


With this formula, only in 2018, the city Council is made with 420 trees, in a population that is characterized by its high buildings of apartments to accommodate tourists during the summer period, with multiple housing developments in which it is usual to count with spacious gardens.


These individuals donated go directly to the municipal nursery, a place in which they care for until they are planted in their final location. At the time of the planting, the City agrees to place a sign next to the tree given that indicates the kind of the same in addition to the name of the person who has donated.


However, not all trees are accepted through this formula, but the city Council has established a list of trees that are suitable for being adapted to the climate of the municipality and the water regime is established. And of course, in no case is allowed the donation of invasive species.