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Daype 98 expands its range of products

Agriculture and gardening are two essential sectors for Daype 98 that has made agricultural products such as spare parts for washing machines of onions and leeks, boxes for strawberries and original flowerpot holders easy to move.

02/02/2017 Author: Daype 98 SL

However, in Daype 98 we have proposed to expand the portfolio of products in these two areas with covers for scissors to prune trees and more plastic boxes for agriculture, among others.
The goal is to respond to the daily needs of farmers and people who need specific products to help them in their daily routines. That is why we have chosen to design more plastic parts, but we are accept suggestions.
That was the case of our flowerpots, whose demand a few years ago was to easily displace it and avoid water spills when watering the plants. That's why we thought of a wheelhouse, with a central reservoir for water and also, for pots of various sizes.

We invite you to send us your suggestions to [email protected]