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Plants and flowers: getting out of the impasse?

The confinement led many people to look to the plants for the support they needed. After the collapse, the sector reorganizes itself... read more

21/09/2020Author: FEEJ


A plant shows totally different flowers in spring and summer because of the heat

Research carried out in Spain shows how temperature modifies the expression of more than 625 genes... read more

18/09/2020Author: GuíaVerde


Iberflora Digital Business will extend its activity until the end of January

The international fair for plants and flowers, landscaping, technology and DIY garden will open this digital event from October 6 to the end of January... read more

17/09/2020Author: Iberflora


The Plant BioProtection Forum is part of the European Green Week

The event will finally be held on October 14 and 15 in an exclusively virtual format ... read more

16/09/2020Author: Phytoma

Interview with Jaume Alagarda, president of the FEEJ, on the current situation of the sector and the challenges of the federation

"We must dignify gardening, despised by the administration and large companies"

"We must dignify gardening, despised by the administration and large companies"... read more

16/09/2020Author: GuíaVerde


The AIPH International Conference addresses the recovery of the ornamental sector after the health crisis

30 experts from 17 countries discuss the future of the cut flower and ornamental plant industry in a virtual congress organized by the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH)... read more

15/09/2020Author: GuíaVerde


Confinement increases the number of garden enthusiasts in the UK

The HTA assures that they have detected up to 3 million new users, half under the age of 45... read more

15/09/2020Author: GuíaVerde