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Barbastro, Gotor and Lituénigo win the highest award for Villas en Flor Aragon

The third edition of the contest was held in the municipality of Lituénigo

22/03/2022 Author: GuíaVerde
A green corner of the municipality of Gotor, one of the municipalities with three flowers of honor

The Aragonese municipality of Lituénigo hosted the 3rd Villas en Flor Aragón 2021 Awards Gala, a long-awaited meeting given that the 2020 event could not be held due to the pandemic. The meeting was attended by Alberto Negredo , mayor of Lituénigo; Nuria Pargada , mayor of Biescas; Roque Vicente , deputy mayor of Graus and Juan José Moreno , head of gardening for the Barbastro City Council. Villas en Flor Aragón is promoted by the Professional Horticultural Association of Aragón, Rioja, Navarra and Soria ( APHARNS ).

The towns that this year have won three flowers of honor have been Barbastro, Gotor and Lituénigo , while the two flowers of honor have been for Ontinar de Salz . Likewise, Biescas, Cuarte de Huerva, Daroca, Graus and Morillo de Tou received a flower of honor.

The towns that have joined the contest this year, Biescas and Graus, also received metal plaques accrediting their participation in the contest, which will be placed in a prominent place in their respective towns.