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ALAS bets on digital agriculture, crop protection and technological innovation applied to seeds

In the new edition of the Forum on Innovation for a Healthy Diet, discussed the importance of promoting agricultural production, sustainable and social

02/08/2019 Author: Guíaverde / FEPEX

The Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, (ALAS) that integrates the organisations ASAJA and UPA, to the Spanish Association of Conservation Agriculture and Living soils (NAAT.SV) and the Cooperative Agro-food of spain and FEPEX, has participated in a new edition of the Forum on Innovation for Healthy Eating, recently celebrated.

During the day, Pedro Gallardo, President of ALAS, participated in the panel of experts who discussed the role of the innovation of the technology applied to the seeds, the agriculture digital and the protection of crops to ensure a healthy diet to the entire population. For his part, Gallardo explained the importance of promoting agricultural production, sustainable and social, one of the priority objectives of WINGS.

Also took part in the Forum Victoria Moreno, associate Vice president of scientific areas and director of the Research Institute in Food Science (CSIC-UAM), Rafael Lopez, Director of Technology Transfer of Pons IP; Manuel Melgarejo, President of Corteva Agriscience for Spain and Portugal; Monica Sorribas, Global Program Management of Corteva Agriscience, and David Martín Gómez, a Researcher at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems of the Universidad Carlos III.