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"We will save the 2020 campaign and the inertia of the coming year will be positive"

The director of the AECJ analyzes the current situation of the sector and the expectations for the end of the year and 2021

09/09/2020 Author: GuíaVerde
Santiago González, director de la AECJ

After the summer, with several months in the so-called "new normality", the Spanish garden centers sector looks to the second part of the year with some optimism, hoping to save such a difficult year for the sector. The director of the Spanish Association of Garden Centers (AECJ), Santiago González, explains what the current situation in the sector is and how the consumer has responded in summer.


In an unusual year, this summer has also been special. There has been less displacement of people, and many have chosen to vacation at home or in their second home. Has it also been a different summer in the garden centers of Spain? How has the billing been and the feelings regarding the consumer response?

It is like this, we have been “singularly” all year with ups and downs, infections, outbreaks, regrowths ... but we think that the hardest part has already passed and many things will gradually be put in a place similar to before. The AECJ garden centers are all over the country and their response is completely different. The Balearic Islands is the most affected area with direct decreases of 70% in tourism that affects not only the consumption of these but also the establishments that have closed or half open. Therefore, the Balearic Islands has only had the national and local client. The most touristy areas, mainly all the coasts, have also suffered a decrease in tourists, but they have had a considerable national and local influx. The rest of the country has enjoyed a greater national clientele than in other years, because they have not been able to travel or afford a vacation abroad.

Has there been a change of habit regarding shopping? Any star product?

My perception is that the love of enjoying the outdoor spaces that one had, surrounded by plants, has increased. A balcony or terrace without plants does not have any grace or personality. This change in the image of our terraces is very positive, not only to save this moment, but to grow in the medium term. Pots and plants are the categories that have surely grown the most, although a large stock of garden furniture and decoration has been liquidated.

Due to the pandemic… have there been problems having enough stock?

That was what the gardens told us in April and May ... but the nurserymen immediately snapped up, producing again the extensive range that is produced in Spain. Spain has increased its quality and turnover in recent years, consolidating itself as the best alternative for many species in Europe. Congratulations to all the Spanish producers from the AECJ for their work.

Looking back, how was the first part of the year?

The first 10 weeks of the year the gardens were noticing an improvement in their sales between 15-20%, which heralded a great year, which the pandemic cut us off. Fortunately, with the exception of the largest gardens that stopped selling a lot in those two months, which we hope will recover next year, the rest are already by figures similar to 2019 or above them.

And what prospects do garden centers hold for the remainder of 2020?

The truth is not good ... because every day there are new infected and, as long as there is no effective vaccine, there will be uncertainty. The gardens are concerned, how could it be otherwise, by the increase in unemployment, decrease in consumption, closure of companies ... But as I am optimistic, I think that although it will not be a year of increases in autumn / winter, it will be saved the campaign and the inertia of the coming year will be positive.

FEPEX has requested that the plants and flowers be considered a staple product, a situation that would greatly favor these establishments in the event of future confinements ... what response do you expect from the Government?

This has several readings. The fundamental thing is to avoid the closure of the gardens, and of the rest of the channels that we sell plants and flowers. But the most important thing is that they would consider our sector as preferential and relevant, which allows a different treatment from the administration. As, for example, the fact of obtaining financing for sectoral promotion campaigns that are essential. If this data is confirmed, the Interprofessional of the plant and flower would be launched where all the operators of the different branches of the activity - nurseries, breeders, professional marketing, online, other non-specialized points of sale - could manage a very important that would come from the entire sector and all companies. This would be a personal and collective challenge of the most important of our entity. The AECJ has done hard work these important months for the garden center sector, members and non-associates, of which we are very proud and valued by the entire community.