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Pentas lanceolata

Common name: Pentas, Egyptian star

Synonyms: Carnea stage

Type:Ornamental shrub

Nurseries and wholsalers Pentas lanceolata:Arribas Center, Barnaplant, Viveros Guzmán, SEMPREFLORA, Veraleza, Viveros Pereira


Shrubby, perennial plant belonging to the Rubiaceae Family. Pentas are bushes up to 1 meter high with vertical stems and rounded shape. It has dark green leaves, and a bloom that can be white, red, pink, etc.

It is very popular for its ornamental use.


It is a species native to Africa. It tolerates semi-shade, but in full sun it will produce more flowers.

It prefers slightly acidic soils (pH 6.5), and moderate irrigations, being abundant during the summer or the hottest periods.

During flowering, a mineral fertilizer can be applied every 3 weeks. At the end of the summer it is advisable to prune, and pinch it in winter to favor the rounded shape and regrowth.


They can be propagated by cuttings in early spring and from seeds sown in a box in winter.


Ornamental use due to its spectacular flowering


Height: 1-1,5 mMaximum tolerance to cold: 0°CFlowering month: VI-XEvergreen leafRequires abundant wateringModerate sun exposure