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General information of Crisara

Address:Almeria - España

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Fercrisa Fertilizantes ecológigos

Company description Crisara

CRISARA was established in 1995, originating from an existing group of specialists with more than 30 years experience, and aiming to provide services specialising in agriculture and the environment.
The great demand for all types of farming services, led the company to widen its scope of activity to cover everything from planting to harvesting.
Since 1997, CRISARA has been firmly committed to Organic Agriculture , and this opened up lines of research and development in the practice amongst their clients, as the company began offering appropriate phytosanitary products and fertilizers and the necessary technical guidance
CURRENTLY we are a company specialising in the manufacture and commercialisation of zero-waste phyto-fortifiers and fertilizers, respectful of health and the environment.