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Search by 'investigaci�n' (84)


IRTA technicians will advise Catalan farmers on the efficient use of water for irrigation

RegAssist will combine the use of new technologies and the assistance work of teams of technicians and researchers throughout the Catalan territory... read more

24/05/2024Author: IRTA

Summary of the year

24 key news to understand 2023

The GuíaVerde editorial team selects the topics that have marked the news of the green sector during the year 2023... read more

26/12/2023Author: GuíaVerde


[VIDEO] Substrate growers reflect on restrictions on the use of peat

The video of the technical conference in which experts and representatives of Gramoflor, Burés SAU, Pindstrup and Floragard participated is now available... read more

20/06/2023Author: GuíaVerde


GuíaVerde organizes a free online workshop on substrates without peat

The technical meeting will be held on June 15 and will deal with sustainable alternative materials used in growing media in nurseries and in gardening... read more

22/05/2023Author: GuíaVerde


They present the first report on the conservation status of wild pollinators in Catalonia

The study indicates that of the more than 2,000 species of bees that exist in Europe, 9% are considered threatened and 37% are in decline... read more

08/05/2023Author: IRTA


The United Kingdom advances the end of the use of peat by four years and sows the "alarm" in the ornamental sector of the country

For the HTA it is an "arbitrary" and "unacceptable" decision due to the lack of details in the administration's roadmap... read more

28/03/2023Author: GuíaVerde


IRTA creates a bioreactor for propagation and cuttings that reduces plant material handling time by 80%

The institution assures that its creation "will change the way of working in companies"... read more

20/01/2022Author: GuíaVerde