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More than 1,000 publications flood the networks under the hashtag #AhoraFloresyPlantas

Twitter, Instagram and Facebook were filled with messages to call attention on the danger of bankruptcy of the Green Sector

23/03/2020 Author: GuíaVerde

Various sectoral collective launched a campaign last Friday to warn about the dire situation in which they are their businesses following the declaration of a State of Alarm, and the inability to sell flowers and ornamental plants in the retail trade, because they are not considered to be goods of first need.

Under the hashtag #AhoraFloresyPlantas, and with the support of GuíaVerde, were published in a few hours, more than 1,000 updates in the main social networks, including text postings, photos and videos.

In the following infographic summarizes the impact that this campaign had in terms of scope and reactions (retweets, likes, comments, etc.)

Click here to download the infographic in higher resolution

Infografia campaña AhoraFloresyPlantas